The interesting features in Windows 11

There are a lot of differences between Windows 11 and Windows 10. These simple features in recent Windows updates not only help you customize your PC, increase security, but also get more creative with Windows. With these updates, it'll be easier to get things done on your PC.

  1. Start a focus session anytime

Focus session is a productive feature which designed to boost your productivity by helping you stay focused on the task at hand,  here's how to enable and use Focus Sessions in Windows 11. Open the Clock app, choose how long you want to focus, then select Start focus session.

  1. Show off your family with personalized emojis

Do you want to create an emoji which can represent your family? With these updates, you are able to change the number of people, skin tones, and more.

  1. Personalize for creativity and productivity

Windows 11 support you multiple options that you can change backgrounds, themes and desktops according to your personal preferences. Windos 11 is committed to keep you inspired and help you be more productive.

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